Hobie ST Turbo Kit - Older SS or Set-Screw Sprocket
Now you can make your Hobie Mirage kayak a TURBO!!
Hobie Engineers and Hobie Mirage kayak users report 10% increases in speed and more. Top end speed and a slower cadence for cruising are all achieved with this larger and more efficient fin design. Will require more effort to pedal which is commonly referred to as pedaling a bike up a slight incline. Increase your performance or increase your fitness routine. Adjustable fin tension allows for low end torque or top end speed to meet the desires of the pedaler. The ST Turbo kit does it.
This kit Includes everything you need to convert your older style Miragedrive into a ST Turbo MirageDrive.
Please note, this ST Turbo Fin Kit is for the older style SS or set-screw sprocket. If your MirageDrive uses threaded masts, please see the ST Turbo Fin Kit V2 (HC 72066001)
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