Windsurfing, SUP Boards & Accessories/Parts
If you're looking for SUP and Windsurfing gear, you've come to the right place. Mariner Sails has a great line-up of SUP and Windsurfing boards and accessories to outfit you for getting on the water.
Most folks can hop on a SUP and start Stand Up Paddling right away! Windsurfing can be a bit less intuitional for some so...
If you need information on windsurfing to get you started, visit our Intro to Windsurfing page. You'll learn the facts about windsurfing, and learning about the different types of boards and sails, and how to get started windsurfing. Our windsurfing topics include:
- Windsurfing Myths
- Where to Windsurf in North Texas
- Learn to Windsurf
- Where to Find Lessons
- Boards and Gear
- Board Types
- Sail Types
- Information & Links
And if you need any additional SUP or Windsurfing information, contact the Mariner Sails at 972-241-1498.
Hobie SUP Leash Coil 8'
Hobie SUP Leash 9'
Hobie Crank Pad Eclipse
BOTE Cooler Kit
Anetik Mission Shade Sleeve
Chinook Cup Kit Chinook Base
BOTE FCS G5 Side Bite Fins
Visit Mariner Sails retail store
Mariner Sails, Inc., 11110 N. Stemmons Fwy, Dallas, TX 75229, 972-241-1498
Come down to our retail store to experience the largest collection of Kayaks - be amazed by the vast options in accessories or come have a chat with our staff members - experienced sailors, kayak anglers, windsurfers - with over 100 years of combined "on-the-water" experience.
9am - 5pm Monday- Friday (Temporary Hours)
10am - 4pm Saturday (Loft Closed on Saturday)
Learn more about our store