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Products tagged with Rod

Yak-Attack BlackPak, 12"x16"x11", Black, Includes lid and 3 rod holders Part# BLP-121611
Hobie Cover Rod Holder Hobie Yak Part# 71230001
The Hobie H-Rail Horizontal Rod Rack attachment keeps your rods organized and out of the way on the Hobie H-Rail. It is a three-tiered rack with pads on each hook. Place the tip or butt of your rod in the rack and bungee in place.

Hobie Fish Rod Leash Part# 74052001
Hobie Tip Protector - Horizontal Rod Part# 72021063
FeelFree Medium Fishing Rod Holder (Pair) Part# ROD HOLDER MED
Fly Rod Holder w/ Flush MountShown installed on a deck/side mount, but includes the flush mount shown at the bottom of the image. Deck mount not included.
Native Watercraft Rod Holder Gasket Part# PROD758
Hobie Rod Holder Extension Part# 72020014
Hobie Rod Holder Extension/Adj Part# 72020074
Hobie Ram Tube 2008 Rod Holder Part# 72023051
Hobie Tiller Connecter Rod Miracle Part# 40530001
The Aka Trampolines are able to do many things... They can add space for gear, allow you to move the weight outboard in order to improve performance under windy conditions, provide a comfortable position for sitting or lying down.
Hobie Dolphin Striker Rod H14 Part# 11170030
Hobie Lacing Rod Fwd Tramp Get Part# 37880001
Scotty Fly Rod Holder without Mount Part# 260
Native Cup & Rod Holder Kit Part# PROD005
NuCanoe Horizontal Rod Holders Part# 4060
Deck/Side Rod Holder MountWorks with Scotty brand rod holders.
Hobie Ram Rod 2007 Jr. Fly Rod Holder Part# 72023048

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Mariner Sails, Inc., 11110 N. Stemmons Fwy, Dallas, TX 75229, 972-241-1498

Come down to our retail store to experience the largest collection of Kayaks - be amazed by the vast options in accessories or come have a chat with our staff members - experienced sailors, kayak anglers, windsurfers - with over 100 years of combined "on-the-water" experience.

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10am - 4pm Saturday (Loft Closed on Saturday)

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