Hobie Trax 2 - Kayak Cart
The Trax 2 Kayak Cart has new 24 cm blow-molded polyurethane pneumatic tires. These tires have a higher capacity and are very durable! The rim is a smaller diameter and the larger sidewall helps prevent pinching and valve damage under heavy loads. The pressure range is twice the original Trax wheels (now 3-4 lbs) which is easier to maintain. The Hobie Trax 2 Cart has an ample 176 lb capacity. This is the best all around cart for sand and rugged terrain. The wide tires can be deflated for better performance over soft sand and soil. Welded Stainless steel construction, solid stainless axle. Wheels are easily removable for storage. Also includes cart keeper feature and cart clamps.
WARNING!! Kayak carts must be Fully Inserted through the scuppers during use. Partially inserted carts could cause damage to the scupper tubes. Improper installation or use of Kayak Carts may void your kayak manufacturer's warranty. Click here for details.
See all kayak carts and kayak transport equipment.
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Mariner Sails, Inc., 11110 N. Stemmons Fwy, Dallas, TX 75229, 972-241-1498
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10am - 4pm Saturday (Loft Closed on Saturday)
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