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Tandem Kayaks

Tandem kayaks, or 2 person kayaks, are typically going to be wider, which makes them more stable and allows them to be paddled by experienced and beginner kayakers alike. With a multitude of tandem kayak options such as sit on top, sit inside, inflatable, folding, and even pedal-drive tandems, you'll want to carefully consider WHO will be paddling your tandem, WHERE you'll be paddling it, and WHAT your performance needs are. So grab your tandem buddy and go!

Tandem kayaks, or 2 person kayaks, are typically going to be wider, which makes them more stable and allows them to be paddled by experienced and beginner kayakers alike. With a multitude of tandem kayak options such as sit on top, sit inside, inflatable,
Tandem kayaks, or 2 person kayaks, are typically going to be wider, which makes them more stable and allows them to be paddled by experienced and beginner kayakers alike. With a multitude of tandem kayak options such as sit on top, sit inside, inflatable,

Visit Mariner Sails retail store

Mariner Sails, Inc., 11110 N. Stemmons Fwy, Dallas, TX 75229, 972-241-1498

Come down to our retail store to experience the largest collection of Kayaks - be amazed by the vast options in accessories or come have a chat with our staff members - experienced sailors, kayak anglers, windsurfers - with over 100 years of combined "on-the-water" experience.

9am - 5pm Monday- Friday (Temporary Hours)
10am - 4pm Saturday (Loft Closed on Saturday)

Learn more about our store

Serving water sports enthusiasts for 50 years specializing in Kayaking, Windsurfing, SUP, Sailing and Sail Making.


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